Use "dithyramb|dithyrambs" in a sentence

1. Originally the chorus seems to have arisen from the singing of the dithyramb dithyramb , in ancient Greece, hymn to the god Explanation of Chorused

2. M. Gillenormand talked nonsense in connection with the wedding, and all the fripperies of the eighteenth century passed pell-mell through his dithyrambs.

3. The Anacreontic Ode is proof that an ode need not be long and lofty.The Greek poet Anacreon often wrote odes in praise of pleasure and drink, a Dithyramb or Skolion

4. The same thing holds good of Dithyrambs and Nomes; here too one may portray different types, as Timotheus and Philoxenus differed in representing their Cyclopes.The same distinction marks off Tragedy from Comedy; for Comedy aims at representing men as worse, Tragedy as better than in …